y mientras escribo

La Asociación Parlamentaria para La Cooperación Euro-Árabe pide a los gobiernos europeos que dispongan medidas especiales para salvaguardar el libre movimiento de los trabajadores árabes que emigrarán a Europa... "Resolución de Estrasburgo. 1.975" La Asociación Parlamentaria para la Cooperación Euro-Árabe creó un comité permanente de unos 300 funcionarios en París.


Gadafi: O Islam o la guerra.

Después de leer David y Salomón eran musulmanes y hoy hubieran combatido a Israel, pensé que no me quedaba ya más de asombro sobre el mundo musulmán. Pero no, como siempre existe algún punto que escapa a la imagineria occidental sobre los hijos de mojamé.

Líder libio Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi
en Al-Jazeera: 'Hay Señales de que Alá le concederá la victoria al Islam en Europa'; Europa y los Estados Unidos 'deberían acordar en convertirse al Islam… o declararle la guerra a los musulmanes.

¿Lo han leido bien?
Bueno, Gadafi, el lider que ha dejado de ser considerado un terrorista y que ya no alberga y no protege a terroristas por el presidente
Bush. Pues este "redimido" ha declarado que o todos musulmanes buenos y amigos o todos enemigos.

No me canso de repetir que los árabes hablan de una forma en su lengua nativa y de otra forma muy difeente cuando hablan en inglés para dirigirse al mundo occidental.
Pero Gadafi no ha dicho ni hecho nada que pueda extrañar a estas alturas a ningún ilustrado de Europa o EE. UU. A fin de cuentas, el Corán exige que exista una frontera entre el fiel y el infiel, entre la Casa del Islam y la Casa de la Guerra, entre impíos y píos. Umma vs Mundo.
Ni siquiera la izquierda casposa y progreta ha dicho una palabra en su mundo mediático. ¡"No, ni hablar, que ofende a los musulmanes que propaguemos tal imagen de ellos"! Por más verdad que sea, no puede ser difundida. ¡Así que callan como raposos!
¡Ah!, pero no quedó ahí la cosa:

"Los musulmanes se enfurecieron por la difamación de su Profeta. Pero los que difamaron a Muhammad estaban difamando a su propio profeta, ya que Muhammad es el profeta del pueblo de Escandinavia, en Europa, América, Asia y África".

#1121 - Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi: Europe and the U.S. Should Agree to Become Islamic or Declare War on the Muslims

Y esta entrevista de la fue objeto Gadafi se realizó el 10 de abril de 2006. Claro que en esta ocasión él hablaba en árabe, en una emisora de TV árabe y para un público árabe. Es decir, respondía con claridad al periodista y se dirigía diáfano a la audiencia.

No sé qué le llevó al Sr. Presidente de EE.UU. a retomar la línea diplomática con semejante personaje, con la larga trayectoria de enemistad entre ambos países. Ni qué conducta o conjuro pudo haber canalizado tal acuerdo. El caso, y debería tomarse nota, es que ese planteamiento es idéntico al que los yihadistas tienen con respecto a Occidente: ¡O musulmán o muerto. El Islam tiene y debe triunfar sobre Occidente!.

Además de animar a la audiencia, ya de por si bastante fanatizada por el bombardeo de la propaganda ["Esta máquina de [propaganda] operó a todo vapor para poder lavarle el cerebro a los ciudadanos árabes, 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana, para ventilar el odio en contra de los Estados Unidos.... ] Gadafi está confirmando al mundo árabe que el camino emprendido por los salafistas y yihadistas de toda índole es el correcto y conforme al Corán. Que los estados fundamentalistas y teocráticos, jerifaltes de Alá, son rectos seguidores de Mahoma.

¡¡ PUES ESO ES VERDAD !! Eso es lo que en el Corán está escrito !!.

Diferente es que los occidentales creamos a ese libro o que debamos seguirlo. Sin embargo, también confirma otra verdad que estamos cansados de gritar a los cuatro puntos cardinales y hasta la saciedad a todo el mundo: ¡O el Islam o nosotros!. ¡No se puede eludir, hay que tomar una decisión. Y hay que tomarla a tiempo!
Gadafi dijo exactamente lo mismo:
Europa y los Estados Unidos 'deberían acordar en convertirse al Islam… o declararle la guerra a los musulmanes.

No lo ha dicho para los yihadistas, no hablaba para los fundamentalistas, no se dirigía a Ahmedinejad. No, se dirigía a la audiencia musulmana que se levanta todos los días, va a trabajar, hace los quehaceres de la casa, ve la TV, se toma zumo-de-naranja y se acuesta de noche tras las 5 piadosas oraciones diarias mirando a la Meca. Tanto de lugareños de Medio Oriente, África, Asia o Europa, además de EE.UU.

Con amigos como éste, según el bueno de Bush, para qué queremos enemigos.


En honor a estos periodistas, que por su reformismo se están jugando su futuro e incluso la vida, dejo esta pequeña nota para el moderado y reformado Gadafi y para la sin par Al Yazeera:

"Ambos el salafismo jihadista y el nazismo están basados en el odio y la eliminación física del otro"

2.-: "Por qué no estamos nosotros combatiendo a los estudiosos religiosos, teóricos, y predicadores del terrorismo como delincuentes, asesinos, y ladrones?"

3.- "Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, por ejemplo, denuncia en su muy conocido libro Millat Ibrahim [La Religión de Abraham, e.d. el Islam] - un libro que es un tipo de manifiesto para Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya - de que el concepto del jihad en el Islam debería estar dirigido en contra de [los enemigos] internos antes de que [sea dirigido] externamente, 'ya que el peligro de la vecindad inmediata, de su influencia, su corrupción, y de la disputa interna que esta engendra, es mayor y más severa que el peligro de lo que está distante y no es inminente... Así, el jihad interior y el jihad [contra] Satanás toman prioridad sobre el jihad contra los enemigos en general. El Profeta Muhammad no comenzó [combatiendo] a los persas, bizantinos, y judíos mientras ignoraba a [los infieles árabes] en cuyo medio él vivió, [sino más bien comenzó el jihad contra los infieles árabes]'.

El redactor saudí Muhammad bin 'Abd Al-Latif Aal Al-Sheikh publicó dos artículos en el diario saudita Al-Jazirah, en el que atacó la ideología del movimiento Al-Salafiyya Al-Jihadiyya. El dijo que la ideología de este movimiento fue similar, o peor aun que, la ideología nazi, y que esta debería tratarse de una manera apropiada.
Redactor saudí: La ideología jihadista salafista es igual al nazismo.


La hermandad izquierda - islam

-Antes de comenzar quisiera decirles que pueden bajar este nuevo documental: Terrorismo. Su mano en Colombia.

Les dejo una muestra de los temas que incluye:

Terrorismo en Colombia e internacional
Video sent by esperantista

Espero que lo vean. Y ahora si, el artículo.

Periodista liberal bahraini: ‘Quién odia a América en el mundo árabe y musulmán, y por qué’

En contra del contexto a la gira de septiembre del 2005 al Medio Oriente de la oficial del Departamento de Estado americano y consejera presidencial Karen Hughes, quien encabeza el esfuerzo por mejorar la imagen de los Estados Unidos en el extranjero, en un reciente artículo el periodista liberal bahraini 'Omran Salman presenta dos explicaciones del odio hacia América: La cultura árabe y musulmana, y una coalición post-11 de Septiembre de islamistas, Pan Arabes Ba'athistas y nacionalistas, y los regímenes árabes.


Milagrosamente, a veces y solo a veces, nos encontramos con críticos islámicos. Raros, todo hay que decirlo y para colmo, perseguidos y algunos amenazados de muerte. Este periodista se plantea por qué se odia tanto a EE.UU. en el mundo musulmán. Yo difiero en algunos puntos, pero estos párrafos son rigurosamente ciertos:

El odio es un fenómeno general en el mundo árabe y musulmán, y no limitado a los americanos

"... El odio en el mundo árabe y musulmán es un fenómeno general que no está limitado sólo a los americanos. Es posible que los árabes y musulmanes se odien mutuamente no menos de lo que odian a otros...

"En los años noventa, más de 200,000 ciudadanos fueron muertos en Argelia - la mayoría de ellos por grupos islámicos extremistas. ¿Cuál fue la respuesta de la mayoría de los árabes y musulmanes? Una mezcla de entretenimiento y de presentar justificativos para los asesinos y terroristas. Durante esos años, el movimiento Taliban abusó también de los chi'itas, azeris, tajikis, y otras minorías, y nadie hizo nada [por detenerlo].

"En 1990, Saddam Hussein invadió Kuwait, lo ocupó, y expulsó a sus residentes. ¿Cuál fue la respuesta de los árabes y musulmanes? Nada. Al contrario: La mayoría de los árabes y musulmanes apoyó a Saddam... Y en 1991, Saddam asesinó a centenares de miles de chi'itas iraquíes y kurdos, y la mayoría de los árabes y musulmanes no lo condenaron.

"En estos días, las milicias árabes Janjaweed, los cuales están apoyados por el gobierno de Khartoum, continúan su campaña racista de aniquilación en contra de los musulmanes africanos en Darfour.

"En Irak, Al-Zarqawi y los grupos terroristas afiliados con él están matando chi'itas y volando sus mezquitas y escuelas, después de declarar la guerra en ellos. En ambos casos, ninguno de los árabes o musulmanes está actuando para prevenir esto, o siquiera para condenar los hechos.

"En total, durante una sola década no menos de medio millón de víctimas árabes y musulmanas fueron asesinados por árabes y musulmanes.

"Además, las minorías religiosas, étnicas, y nacionales en el mundo árabe, tales como los chi'itas, isma'ilis, zaidis, cristianos, y judíos, han estado sujetos a la humillación caracterizada por el racismo...

"La política americana en la región [árabe y musulmana] no cambió esencialmente por más de 50 años, hasta el año 2000. Qué fue lo nuevo que sucedió para despertar el odio [hacia los Estados Unidos] en su amplio alcance actual?...

La respuesta que ofrece el periodista árabe:

"Gradualmente, una alianza extraoficial surgió entre estos tres partidos, con la meta a largo plazo de frustrar la nueva política americana. [Pero] ya que esta alianza es demasiado débil para responder militarmente a la política americana, esta responde en los medios de comunicación y con propaganda.

"Esta máquina de [propaganda] operó a todo vapor para poder lavarle el cerebro a los ciudadanos árabes, 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana, para ventilar el odio en contra de los Estados Unidos....

¿Estará vivo este señor o ya lo han matado? Lo cierto es que son voces en desierto, ejemplares únicos con poca resonancia y que solo la voluntad de una política americana de cambiar su imagen ante los musulmanes ha hecho posible que pudiera escribir. La inmensa mayoría de los mahometanos no hablaría jamás en tales términos y mucho menos descubriría con tanta certeza el plan propagandístico de "distorsionar la imagen de los americanos".

También, en una unión loca y suicida de progres con el Islam más sanguinario, éstos participan en ese plan distorsionador y alaban las delicias de una buena cordialidad entre un ayatolah y un persona. Entregan generosamente derechos que la democracia y la libertad han conquistado para corresponder, en la parte que les toca, su lugar en esa alianza. Claro que también ha sido la tendencia ideológica y política más sanguinaria del su siglo XX que pretende perpetuarse sea como sea y que siempre ha mostrado el mayor de los desprecios a las democracias liberales. No resulta extraño que también desprecien la seguridad, el estado de bienestar y la tolerancia.
Y se encuentren tan hermanados con las dictaduras teocráticas islámicas. La izquierda y el islam tienen el mismo axioma: el absolutismo.


Carta de Ahmedinejad a P. Bush

Recibida por correo, por su interés, yo también la publico aquí.

Enviamos la carta dirigida al Presidente Bush por parte del presidente iraní, tal como suponíamos, parte de ella encierra el mensaje de Aman al rey Ajashverosh, no podía ser de otra forma.

Rafael T.Perez

Mr. George Bush, President of the United States of America

For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, specially in political forums and amongst university students. Many questions remain unanswered. These have prompted me to discuss some of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them.

Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the great Messenger of God,
Feel obliged to respect human rights, Present liberalism as a civilization model, Announce one's opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs, Make War and Terror his slogan, And finally, Work towards the establishment of a unified international community – a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern, But at the same time, Have countries attacked; The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the … of a … criminals in a village city, or convoy for example the entire village, city or convey set ablaze. Or because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in one country, it is occupied, around one hundred thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and industry destroyed, close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground, sanctity of private homes of citizens broken, and the country pushed back perhaps fifty years. At what price? Hundreds of billions of dollars spent from the treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens of thousands of young men and women – as occupation troops – put in harms way, taken away from family and love ones, their hands stained with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure that everyday some commit suicide ant those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of aliments; while some are killed and their bodies handed of their families.

On the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country. Later it was revealed that no WMDs existed to begin with.
Of course Saddam was a murderous dictator. But the war was not waged to topple him, the announced goal of the war was to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction. He was toppled along the way towards another goal, nevertheless the people of the region are happy about it. I point out that throughout the many years of the … war on Iran Saddam was supported by the West.
Mr President,
You might know that I am a teacher. My students ask me how can theses actions be reconciled with the values outlined at the beginning of this letter and duty to the tradition of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the Messenger of peace and forgiveness.
There are prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation, their families cannot see them and are obviously kept in a strange land outside their own country. There is no international monitoring of their conditions and fate. No one knows whether they are prisoners, POWs, accused or criminals.
European investigators have confirmed the existence of secret prisons in Europe too. I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system. For that matter, I fail to understand how such actions correspond to the values outlined in the beginning of this letter, i.e. the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH), human rights and liberal values.
Young people, university students and ordinary people have many questions about the phenomenon of Israel. I am sure you are familiar with some of them.
Throughout history many countries have been occupied, but I think the establishment of a new country with a new people, is a new phenomenon that is exclusive to our times.
Students are saying that sixty years ago such a country did no exist. The show old documents and globes and say try as we have, we have not been able to find a country named Israel.
I tell them to study the history of WWI and II. One of my students told me that during WWII, which more than tens of millions of people perished in, news about the war, was quickly disseminated by the warring parties. Each touted their victories and the most recent battlefront defeat of the other party. After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed. Six million people that were surely related to at least two million families.
Again let us assume that these events are true. Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East or support for such a state? How can this phenomenon be rationalised or explained?
Mr President,
I am sure you know how – and at what cost – Israel was established : Many thousands were killed in the process.
Millions of indigenous people were made refugees.
Hundred of thousands of hectares of farmland, olive plantations, towns and villages were destroyed.
This tragedy is not exclusive to the time of establishment; unfortunately it has been ongoing for sixty years now.
A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison. Such a phenomenon is unique – or at the very least extremely rare – in recent memory.
Another big question asked by people is why is this regime being supported? Is support for this regime in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) or liberal values? Or are we to understand that allowing the original inhabitants of these lands – inside and outside Palestine – whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jew, to determine their fate, runs contrary to principles of democracy, human rights and the teachings of prophets? If not, why is there so much opposition to a referendum?
The newly elected Palestinian administration recently took office. All independent observes have confirmed that this government represents the electorate. Unbelievingly, they have put the elected government under pressure and have advised it to recognise the Israeli regime, abandon the struggle and follow the programs of the previous government.
If the current Palestinian government had run on the above platform, would the Palestinian people have voted for it? Again, can such position taken in opposition to the Palestinian government be reconciled with the values outlined earlier? The people are also saying why are all UNSC resolutions in condemnation of Israel vetoed?
Mr President,
As you are well aware, I live amongst the people and am in constant contact with them --many people from around the Middle East manage to contact me as well. They dot not have faith in these dubious policies either. There is evidence that the people of the region are becoming increasingly angry with such policies.
It is not my intention to pose to many questions, but I need to refer to other points as well.

Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime? Is not scientific R&D one of the basic rights of nations.

You are familiar with history. Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history has scientific and technical progress been a crime? Can the possibility of scientific achievements being utilised for military purposes be reason enough to oppose science and technology altogether? If such a supposition is true, then all scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering, etc. must be opposed.

Lies were told in the Iraqi matter. What was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in any culture, and you do not like to be lied to.

Mr President,
Don't Latin Americans have the right to ask, why their elected governments are being opposed and coup leaders supported? Or, why must they constantly be threatened and live in fear?
The people of Africa are hardworking, creative and talented. They can play an important and valuable role in providing for the needs of humanity and contribute to its material and spiritual progress. Poverty and hardship in large parts of Africa are preventing this from happening. Don't they have the right to ask why their enormous wealth – including minerals – is being looted, despite the fact that they need it more than others?
Again, do such actions correspond to the teachings of Christ and the tenets of human rights?
The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including : the coup d'etat of 1953 and the subsequent toppling of the legal government of the day, opposition to the Islamic revolution, transformation of an Embassy into a headquarters supporting, the activities of those opposing the Islamic Republic (many thousands of pages of documents corroborates this claim), support for Saddam in the war waged against Iran, the shooting down of the Iranian passenger plane, freezing the assets of the Iranian nation, increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation (just when all Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country's progress), and many other grievances that I will not refer to in this letter.

Mr President,
September Eleven was a horrendous incident. The killing of innocents is deplorable and appalling in any part of the world. Our government immediately declared its disgust with the perpetrators and offered its condolences to the bereaved and expressed its sympathies.

All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens. Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems – and even hunts its opponents abroad. September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess. Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren't those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial?
All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens. For some years now, the people of your country and neighbours of world trouble spots do not have peace of mind. After 9.11, instead of healing and tending to the emotional wounds of the survivors and the American people – who had been immensely traumatised by the attacks – some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity – some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear. Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic?
American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place. They felt insecure in the streets, in their place of work and at home. Who would be happy with this situation? Why was the media, instead of conveying a feeling of security and providing peace of mind, giving rise to a feeling of insecurity?
Some believe that the hype paved the way – and was the justification – for an attack on Afghanistan. Again I need to refer to the role of media. In media charters, correct dissemination of information and honest reporting of a story are established tenets. I express my deep regret about the disregard shown by certain Western media for these principles. The main pretext for an attack on Iraq was the existence of WMDs. This was repeated incessantly – for the public to, finally, believe – and the ground set for an attack on Iraq.
Will the truth not be lost in a contrive and deceptive climate? Again, if the truth is allowed to be lost, how can that be reconciled with the earlier mentioned values? Is the truth known to the Almighty lost as well?
Mr President,
In countries around the world, citizens provide for the expenses of governments so that their governments in turn are able to serve them.
The question here is what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign, produced for the citizens?
As your Excellency is aware, in some states of your country, people are living in poverty. Many thousands are homeless and unemployment is a huge problem. Of course these problems exist – to a larger or lesser extent – in other countries as well. With these conditions in mind, can the gargantuan expenses of the campaign – paid from the public treasury – be explained and be consistent with the aforementioned principles?
What has been said, are some of the grievances of the people around the world, in our region and in your country. But my main contention – which I am hoping you will agree to some of it – is : Those in power have specific time in office, and do not rule indefinitely, but their names will be recorded in history and will be constantly judged in the immediate and distant futures.
The people will scrutinize our presidencies.

Did we manage to bring peace, security and prosperity for the people or insecurity and unemployment? Did we intend to establish justice, or just supported especial interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship, made a few people rich and powerful – thus trading the approval of the people and the Almighty with theirs'? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? Did we tell the truth to our nation and others around the world or presented an inverted version of it? Were we on the side of people or the occupiers and oppressors? Did our administration set out to promote rational behaviour, logic, ethics, peace, fulfilling obligations, justice, service to the people, prosperity, progress and respect for human dignity or the force of guns. Intimidation, insecurity, disregard for the people, delaying the progress and excellence of other nations, and trample on people's rights? And finally, they will judge us on whether we remained true to our oath of office – to serve the people, which is our main task, and the traditions of the prophets – or not?
Mr President,
How much longer can the world tolerate this situation? Where will this trend lead the world to? How long must the people of the world pay for the incorrect decisions of some rulers? How much longer will the specter of insecurity – raised from the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction – hunt the people of the world? How much longer will the blood of the innocent men, women and children be spilled on the streets, and people's houses destroyed over their heads? Are you pleased with the current condition of the world? Do you think present policies can continue?
If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states and distinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts were would the world be today? Would not your government, and people be justifiably proud? Would not your administration's political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American governments?
Mr President, it is not my intention to distress anyone.
If prophet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph or Jesus Christ (PBUH) were with us today, how would they have judged such behaviour? Will we be given a role to play in the promised world, where justice will become universal and Jesus Christ (PBUH) will be present? Will they even accept us?
My basic question is this : Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Moslems and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH). All divine religions share and respect on word and that is monotheism or belief in a single God and no other in the world.

The holy Koran stresses this common word and calls on an followers of divine religions and says : [3.64] Say : O followers of the Book! Come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and (that) we shall not associate aught. With Him and (that) some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah, but if they turn back, then say : Bear witness that we are Muslims. (The Family of Imran).

Mr President,
According to divine verses, we have all been called upon to worship one God and follow the teachings of divine prophets. To worship a God which is above all powers in the world and can do all He pleases. The Lord which knows that which is hidden and visible, the past and the future, knows what goes on in the Hearts of His servants and records their deeds. The Lord who is the possessor of the heavens and the earth and all universe is His court planning for the universe is done by His hands, and gives His servants the glad tidings of mercy and forgiveness of sins . He is the companion of the oppressed and the enemy of oppressors . He is the Compassionate, the Merciful . He is the recourse of the faithful and guides them towards the light from darkness . He is witness to the actions of His servants , He calls on servants to be faithful and do good deeds, and asks them to stay on the path of righteousness and remain steadfast . Calls on servants to heed His prophets and He is a witness to their deeds. A bad ending belongs only to those who have chosen the life of this world and disobey Him and oppress His servants . And A good and eternal paradise belong to those servants who fear His majesty and do not follow their lascivious selves.
We believe a return to the teachings of the divine prophets is the only road leading to salvations. I have been told that Your Excellency follows the teachings of Jesus (PBUH), and believes in the divine promise of the rule of the righteous on Earth.
We also believe that Jesus Christ (PBUH) was one of the great prophets of the Almighty. He has been repeatedly praised in the Koran. Jesus (PBUH) has been quoted in Koran as well; [19,36] And surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serves Him; this is the right path, Marium.

Service to and obedience of the Almighty is the credo of all divine messengers.

The God of all people in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the Pacific and the rest of the world is one. He is the Almighty who wants to guide and give dignity to all His servants. He has given greatness to Humans.
We again read in the Holy Book : The Almighty God sent His prophets with miracles and clear signs to guide the people and show them divine signs and purity them from sins and pollutions. And He sent the Book and the balance so that the people display justice and avoid the rebellious.
All of the above verses can be seen, one way or the other, in the Good Book as well.

Divine prophets have promised : The day will come when all humans will congregate before the court of the Almighty, so that their deeds are examined. The good will be directed towards Haven and evildoers will meet divine retribution. I trust both of us believe in such a day, but it will not be easy to calculate the actions of rulers, because we must be answerable to our nations and all others whose lives have been directly or indirectly effected by our actions.
All prophets, speak of peace and tranquillity for man – based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.

Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world – that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance?
Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice?
Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected?
Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets?
Mr President, History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive. God has entrusted The fate of man to them. The Almighty has not left the universe and humanity to their own devices. Many things have happened contrary to the wishes and plans of governments. These tell us that there is a higher power at work and all events are determined by Him.

Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast and come at a furious pace.
The people of the world are not happy with the status quo and pay little heed to the promises and comments made by a number of influential world leaders. Many people around the wolrd feel insecure and oppose the spreading of insecurity and war and do not approve of and accept dubious policies.
The people are protesting the increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots and the rich and poor countries.

The people are disgusted with increasing corruption.
The people of many countries are angry about the attacks on their cultural foundations and the disintegration of families. They are equally dismayed with the fading of care and compassion. The people of the world have no faith in international organisations, because their rights are not advocated by these organisations.
Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity. Today these two concepts have failed. Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems.
We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God. Undoubtedly through faith in God and the teachings of the prophets, the people will conquer their problems. My question for you is : Do you not want to join them?
Mr President,
Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.

Vasalam Ala Man Ataba'al hoda
Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad President of the Islamic Republic of Iran